City of Oaks 5k

At the beginning of October 2022, I ran my second race: the City of Oaks 5k in beautiful Raleigh, NC. As you can see from the below picture, I was exhausted after this run, as evidenced by not my caring about the display of port-a-potties in the background. To beat my previous time, I sprinted hard during the last quarter mile- oh boy did that do a number on my lungs. I ran so fast at the finish line I almost didn’t slow down in time before colliding with the photo booth. There was beer being served to racers that were 21+, but I truly cannot imagine stomaching a carbonated drink after running my heart out like that. bleh

One of my favorites so far.

I was able to witness downtown Raleigh’s gorgeous architecture without any traffic.


Cary Greenways 10K


My First Race